Registered Dietitian

Working with a Registered Dietitian means that you will be receiving evidenced based care in every approach that is taken.

My education journey began in Nova Scotia where I completed my undergraduate degree and post-graduate internship with Acadia University. After completing this degree, I decided that it was time to move back to B.C. and begin my career as a Registered Dietitian. While working as a Registered Dietitian I found that there is a large connection between a person’s mental and physical health. This led me to pursue my Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology with the goal of becoming a Registered Clinical Counsellor (R.C.C) here in B.C.

I would like to start by saying that a person is never a one size fits all approach to care especially when it comes to dietetics and mental health. From a nutrition perspective I am able to provide and work with clients on a metabolic level to address the physical symptoms that may be presenting and through my ongoing counselling psychology education I am able to support a person’s mental health components as well.

I look forward to working with each and everyone of you by supporting you through your journey of creating a healthier and happier version of yourself.

My education journey began in Nova Scotia where I completed my undergraduate degree and post-grad... Read More

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